A FREE arts project for 13-18 year olds looking at protest art and t-shirt design as a creative voice
Date: 25/01/2025 – 25/01/2025
Time: 10:00
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Do you have a cause you feel passionate about?
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Feel it, Draw it, Say it! is a four day art studio experience for 13-18 year olds working with professional artists to produce a piece of protest art on a topic you feel passionate about. Final designs will be reproduced on T-shirts for the end of project celebration.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: center; font: 11.0px ‘Myriad Pro’}
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p.p3 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: center; font: 6.0px ‘Bauhaus 93’; min-height: 8.0px}
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Are you 13-18 and interested in Art?
Places are limited. To book yours email
Delanie Forbes forbdelan@aol.com with your name, age, contact number and address.
Parent or carer?
Places on the project are free of charge but
commitment to all four days 10.00am 4.00pm
will be required.
School or teacher?
This is a unique opportunity for art students to work with professional artists, learn about the history of protest art and produce their own using a variety of techniques explored during the project.
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span.s2 {font: 9.5px ‘Segoe UI’}
Places are limited and FREE OF CHARGE
Places are offered on a first come first served basis. To book yours email Delanie Forbes forbdelan@aol.com