
Arts and Resilience: Practice Sharing Event

SAVE THE DATE for our event at Goldsmiths College

Date: 16/01/2025 – 16/01/2025


Room 314, Professor Stuart Hall Building*

Goldsmiths College

Wednesday 25th
October 2017 1.45 – 5pm

You are warmly invited to our Arts and Resilience
Community of Practice Sharing Event. Invited guests will share arts and
resilience projects with children and young people, and we will disseminate the
Arts and Resilience Community of Practice (CoP) Toolkit.

 Practice Sharing Event


You will be able

  • Hear more about arts and resilience projects
  • Find out about the Arts and Resilience Toolkit
  • Find out the part Arts Award could play in building
  • Contribute to the conversation
  • Network over a hot drink

This is a free event

This toolkit captures work developed through the CoP over
2015/16 and was supported by HeadStart
. HeadStart
was an initiative, funded by the Big
Lottery, to improve the emotional wellbeing and resilience of 10 to 16
year-olds in the borough. The CoP looked at how arts practice can (and
already does) promote resilience in young people. This toolkit aims to be an
evolving document and resource available on the LEAN website for those who want
to strengthen resilience in the young people they work with.

 Practice Sharing Event



Introduction to the day and the  Arts and Resilience Toolkit, Elizabeth Murton, LEAN


Overview of arts and wellbeing practice in London, Helen Shearn, Arts and Wellbeing Producer
and Consultant


Can Arts Award Contribute to building resilience in
arts Practice?  Philippa Beagley, Education Consultant at PB Education


Lewisham Youth Theatre – Story Telling Resilience
Project, Helen Stanley, Artistic


Break with refreshments

ToolKit sharing
activity: What’s special about the


Write.Speak.Feel – Using Spoken Word to Build
Resilience with looked after children,
Nicky Crabb, Senior Producer and Tobi Kyeremateng, Producer Apples and Snakes


Dance Ahead and Positive Learning Environments, Veronica Jobbins, Head of Learning and Participation (Dance),  TRINITY LABAN CONSERVATOIRE OF MUSIC




Conclusions and Close 


Guests are
welcome to stay and continue conversations 
for half an hour


Who is the event
Youth, arts, health organisations working with young people, arts and
non arts organisations across London, freelance practitioners, academics , students
and anyone else who is interested.

With thanks to our partners Goldsmiths Careers Service, Goldsmiths College, University of London.

*To find Room 314, Professor Stuart Hall Building, it maybe easier to take the lift which is to the right of the cafe. The building is located at the back of the College at the back of the field.


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"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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