
Anne Peaker Lecture and Launch of the Arts Alliance Online Evidence Library

An online catalogue and research tool showcasing arts-based evaluations within the criminal Justice System

Date: 25/01/2025 – 25/01/2025


Anne Peaker was a pioneer of arts for, and by, offenders, and established the Unit for the Arts and Offenders over 15 years ago.

The Launch will be followed by a lecture by Fergus McNeill, Professor of Criminology & Social Work at University of Glasgow.

The lecture will be held in London on 13 December 2012 starting promptly at 6.30pm and ending at 8.30pm.

To express an interest in attending, contact  jean.coates@clinks.org

Address: 1 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5DB

Web: http://artsalliance.org.uk/


"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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