
Age Collective

The British Museum is hosting the Age Collective conference aimed at addressing the question "How can museums and galleries, in partnership with other sectors, work more effectively with and for older people in their communities?"

Date: 11/09/2024 – 11/09/2024


In the last 12 months, Age Collective has drawn together 200 local and UK representatives from over 150 cross-sector organisations to explore this question over a series of seminars.

The findings from these conversations will form the basis of the Age Collective Conference, a major cross-sector event which will also launch the Manifesto for Age Friendly Museums.

The Age Collective Conference is not only for museum professionals. It is also for people working with and for older people who would like to find out how museums could support them in their work.

Who is involved?

The British Museum, in partnership with National Museums Northern Ireland, Glasgow Museums (Glasgow Life) and Manchester Museum, invites delegates from all sectors to attend this major cross-sector event and join the Age Collective conversation.

Sectors we would like represented at the conference include: adult learning, arts, charities, health and social care, heritage, local government, and volunteers services. We also welcome researchers interested in this area of work.

Age Collective is supported by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.

Conference Programme

Registration: 9am-10am.  Registration will open at 9am. The conference will start promptly at 10am.

Morning Session

The morning session will consist of keynote speeches, Age Collective findings, case studies and the launch of the Manifesto for Age Friendly Museums.

Afternoon Breakout Sessions

The afternoon session offers two choices which will run concurrently, both with limited spaces:

Session A: A cross-sector panel will use the Manifesto for Age Friendly Museums as a starting point to explore good practice. A Q&A responding to their thoughts, the manifesto and other issues raised throughout the conference will follow.

Session B: Join smaller breakout groups to think creatively about how the Manifesto for Age Friendly Museums can be put into practice. Have your say, network, share good practice and help move the Age Collective forward.

Refreshments will be provided at registration (9-10am) and after the lunch break. Lunch will not be provided.  The conference will end at 4pm at the latest.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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